събота, 26 април 2014 г.

Purpose of this blog

So I guess it was high time I created my own blog. First maybe it will be nice to introduce myself. I am currently a second year Computer Science/Software Engineering student at the University of Birmingham. In my first year I achieved very high results. I can say that I've been interested in technology my whole life and mostly with programming. When I was young I had the opportunity to have a really good teacher, who taught me the fundamentals of computer science and programming. This is maybe the reason why I am so interested in technology. I've learned and used a lot of programming languages, which include mainstream languages (Java, C, C++, C#), functional languages (Haskell, OCaml, Pascal), web languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, JQuery) and some others that I can't really classify (DTD, XML). During my time in university I've also learned about Software Engineering techniques, have improved my programming skills and have improved my knowledge about the Computer Science fundamentals.

Why am I doing this and why now? I don't know really. I am not really sure if anyone is going to read my blog or I am going to help someone with the information I post. However, I've noticed that blogs can sometimes be really helpful, as people in the IT sphere usually post about problems they have faced and how they solved them. I have benefited from these kind of posts a lot of times. And as I am currently gaining a lot of knowledge and facing a lot of computer science problems, I can post what my "adventures" were and how I overcame them. At the end, I would be happy if I've helped at least one person with this blog.

Also another reason is that I've currently been invited to work on two projects. One of them is a very big project, which is kind of secret and I cannot share a lot of detailed information about it, however I can share technical information, which I learn during the development. It will involve development using Laravel - a web framework, which looks really good on first sight, but is it really that good? The second project is maybe not really a project. It is just a few jobs that I am getting from time to time to work on as a freelancer coming from the same employer. They involve developing in Android and I've just received another task, which I have no idea what it is written in. I guess it is some kind of web framework, but as there are no comments, I cannot guess what it is. So here is my first lesson for you ladies and gentlemen: "WRITE COMMENTS WITH YOUR CODE!". At first it may seem like a waste of time and space, but after writing some comments and keeping your code clean and tidy, you'll see the benefits from it. Also showing your code to someone else will give them a really nice impression of your programming (and social) skills. It is not necessary to comment all your code, but a little bit of description won't hurt you.

I think that's it for today. How am I going to proceed with the blog? I am thinking of posting at least once a week about problems or interesting news/things I've learned during the week. If I have time and there is something interesting happening around me I would probably post more often. The opposite is also true: I'll not post if there is nothing interesting I can write about.

P.S. Maybe someday I'll try to make the blog more beautiful, but not now...

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